Start with People

Are you often flustered by uncommitted and indifferent employees? Is your team suffering from poor productivity because of this? Do you struggle to grow your business, hampered by an ineffectual team? How about high turnover rates - the employees you wish would stay, leave, and those you wish would leave, stay? Do you sense something amiss in your team or organisational culture, but are unsure how to start addressing it? 

For any organisation, big or small, to achieve its purpose, it must have the right people, with the right mindset, bound by the right culture. Relying on only a clever business model, a noble cause, or a technological breakthrough is not enough. Without the people doing execution and driving change, visions will remain just concepts. It is crucial for the leaders of an organisation to understand and shape its culture, and to mould its members into a coherent whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

At Simplify People, our mission is to help organisations achieve high performance and real results through developing their leaders and instilling the right organisation cultures. 

Our Services

Leadership Training

Our training programmes focus on leadership excellence and driving organisation culture change. They offer frameworks and practical methods you can apply to managing and developing your teams.

Executive Coaching

Whether you are embarking on or are already undergoing organisation transformation, having an experienced coach will ensure you start on the right track, have clarity on your direction, and stay disciplined in progressing towards your goal. 

Organisation Culture Transformation

Partner with us for deeper engagement in your transformation journey. We support your teams in planning, designing and executing organisation culture change. 

Conference Speaking

Deliver powerful learning to your organisation. We offer keynote presentations on leadership excellence, high-performance organisation culture and growing start-ups. 

The Value Mindset

"Always challenge your value. What value are you bringing to your team or your customer today?"

Hiew Chok Sien


Chok Sien has extensive experience in leadership and management roles in diverse organisations, from young start-ups to multi-national corporations, and in a wide range of industries, from financial services and oil & gas to consulting, mobile games and e-commerce. Throughout his career, he has driven multiple nationwide and regional deployment projects, changing people, process and technology. His work has brought him to Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Pakistan, Korea, the USA and Spain. He believes that a successful organisation is one with a clear mission, where its people are aligned to the same goal and are empowered to perform their best. 

Phone / WhatsApp: +6017 326 8374


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CY Simplify People Sdn. Bhd.

Business registration number: 202101019051 (1419351-T)